These are the winning tennis betting systems and tipsters that we have tested over an extended period and found to consistently generate a profit.

We use all these services ourselves and we will regularly update results to ensure a continued place on our approved list is merited

spartan tennis pic

Spartan Trading Tips – Final Review

We have now completed our trial of Spartan Trading Tips and here are the final results:-


Profit/Loss:    +71 points
Strike Rate:   63%
Bank Growth:     71%
ROI:   12%
Average number of bets:     1-2 per day 
Cost:   €24.95/month, €49.95/quarter or €149.95/lifetime  


You can view full results here.


Spartan Trading Tips – Full Review


Spartan Trading Tips is a tennis betting service from Patrick Ross, a tennis expert who has been around for a number of years.

His other service, Tennis Trading League, received a failed rating here at Honest Betting Reviews after unfortunately racking up a loss over a three month trial. 

We are pleased to report however that Spartan Trading Tips has done much better under a live trial and has notched up a very respectable 71 points of profit.

This is an interesting approach to betting on tennis and focuses on cashing in on the price movements in a tennis match. As anyone who has traded a match on Betfair has seen, the odds can fluctuate around significantly during a match as things ebb and flow.

Patrick also uses his own form study and knowledge of the game to aid his selection of where he thinks the odds will go.

So for example you will receive a selection like this:-

–> Back Federer @1.21, Lay 1.08

So you place a back bet before the match begins at 1.21, then request a lay at 1.08.

For most matches, Patrick recommends a stop loss of 4 points (out of 10 – or 40% in other words).

To set up stop losses without having to follow the match live in-running, you will need some trading software such as Geeks Toy or Fairbot.

There are instructions on the site on how to set these up.  

We have wondered for a while whether trying to take advantage of the movement in odds in volatile markets like tennis would be a good idea and this has been borne out in this case.

Overall we have been impressed by the results and bank growth of 71% is highly commendable. 

Here are the results in graph format:

Spartan Trading Tips Profit Graph

A very nice graph with steady growth pretty much all the way through.

The strike rate was high at 63% and the return on investment was 12% which is good for a trading service.

So we are happy to give Spartan Trading Tips a PASSED rating and to commend Patrick on creating an innovative service.


Service Breakdown

Ease of use: Good – there are on average 1.5 bets per day. The tips are sent by e-mail in the evenings. As we have said above, you will want to use a bot to set up the trades unless you can trade the matches live. 

Availability of prices: As we are talking about tennis markets, the liquidity is generally very high and you should have little problem matching the advised prices or getting very close to them. 

Strike rate: The strike rate during the trial was 63%, so a good proportion of winners.  

Advised Betting Bank: The advised staking is 10% on each trade, so that equates to a 100 point bank as each selection is 10 points. This seemed a sufficient bank to us. 

Subscription costs: The costs are fairly reasonable at €24.95 per month, €49.95 per quarter or €149.95 for a lifetime subscription.  



We have struggled to find profitable tennis betting services over the last few years, with only one other service passing mustard to date.

So we are pleased to have found Spartan Trading Tips, which is a service that capitalises on the big movements in odds you often see in tennis matches.

It made a commendable 71 points profit during our trial and therefore certainly warrants a PASSED rating from us.

If you are going to follow it then you will probably want to set up a bot to trade the tips if necessary as most people won’t have time to follow the matches live.

Other than that though there isn’t much else to say and this is a service you could well consider adding to your portfolio.  







Spartan Trading Tips – Results Update

31st July 2017

It’s been a very good run lately for Spartan Trading Tips, with another 30 points profit added since our last update a month ago.

That means we are now 32 points in profit for the trial overall.

You can view full results here.

Just to recap, these are trading tips at preset levels for tennis matches. So for example: 

–> Back Federer @1.21, Lay 1.08

So you place a back bet before the match begins at 1.21, then request a lay at 1.08.

For most matches, Patrick recommends a stop loss of 4 points (out of 10 – or 40% in other words).

To set up stop losses without having to follow the match live in-running, you will need some trading software such as Geeks Toy or Fairbot.

So, impressive stuff so far from Spartan Trading Tips, let’s hope things continue in the same fashion.





Spartan Trading Tips – Results Update

4th July 2017

It’s been a solid if unspectacular start to our trial of Spartan Trading Tips from Patrick Ross. 

So far after nearly a month we are 2 points in profit.

You can view full results here.

Just to recap, this involves placing trades at defined levels before a match starts and hoping the odds swing in your favour during the game. It is based on the great volatility you see in odds in tennis matches.

So a quiet start so far, but hopefully things will pick up now with Wimbledon underway. 




Spartan Trading Tips – New Review

8th June 2017

Some time ago we did a review of Patrick Ross’s Tennis Trading League and unfortunately it received a failed rating after notching up a nine point loss over our trial.

However, that was two years ago and we are always prepared to revisit things and take another look.

So we are going to embark on another trial of Patrick’s tennis tipping.

This time we are taking a look at a different aspect of the service – his Spartan Trading Tips.

These have an impressive-looking long term record, having apparently notched up over 1,000 points profit since the service started in late 2013.

That is from risking an average of 4 points on each trade, so not an unreasonable staking system and very good results over an extended period.

Each year so far has made a good profit and there are generally around two bets per day.

The Spartan Trading Tips service is about looking for the odds to move between two given points – so for example if Murray was playing Nadal, you would lay him at 1.8 and back him at 2.5, thus giving a profit whatever happens if the odds move in that way.

If they don’t move in that way, then you obviously lose your stake.

The thing we like about this idea is that you are trading on the general volatility in odds you see in tennis – which is huge. You just need some fluctuations in the match to see your trades win.

Patrick is also using his knowledge and experience to identify players with particular traits and match-ups that suit a swing in odds.

The approach appears to have worked very well to date if the results are to be believed. So much so in fact that Patrick was offering to give subscribers their money back if he didn’t make 200 points profit on the French Open.

We aren’t sure if he’s on course to achieve that, but either way it is a bold objective.

Anyway, it’s nice to have another tennis service to review as there aren’t many around. We will run our standard three month trial and will report back soon on how things are going.

In the meantime you can check out Spartan Trading Tips here. 






Pro Tennis Tips – Update

We regret to report that we have received an e-mail from John Baker who runs Pro Tennis Tips stating that he is discontinuing the service.

This is because he wants to concentrate on his other service, Banker Bets, which is going great guns. 

We support the decision and it is honest of John to admit he won’t be able to put the time in necessary to make it a success. If only more tipsters were that honest!

Anyway, this is what John said in his e-mail:

After a great deal of thought and reflection while I was away I’ve come to the decision that I won’t be able to continue providing the Pro Tennis Tips service moving forward.

My football betting service Banker-Bets is performing very well but also keeping me extremely busy, and in all honestly I just don’t see myself being able to consistently devote the same amount of time and energy to a second service on a daily basis.

Tennis is a particularly difficult sport to follow to begin with as it requires frequent changes to your daily schedule as the tour moves around around the world through so many different time zones.

Unfortunately it’s just too difficult to balance out these constant changes in a way that I can consistently send out tennis selections early enough for subscribers around the world to comfortably place the bets, while also continuing to meet the many demands of my football service.

With that in mind, I have no intention or desire to offer a service to the public that has anything less than my full commitment, which is why Pro Tennis Tips will formally cease operations.

All that said, there will be some weeks during the year when I’ll be able to follow tennis quite closely and will certainly be placing some bets of my own, so I may be in touch from time to time just to let you know when I see particularly high value opportunities.”

So there we have it, this will go into the defunct pile and we too will concentrate on Banker Bets, which is doing really well.





Pro Tennis Tips – Results Update

26th November 2016

Pro Tennis Tips is taking a break from tipping until 2017. The results haven’t quite been as hoped and John who runs the service wants to take a bit of time to rethink the approach to picking selections.

That is understandable given that the tennis season is nearly over now for the year. 

Looking at the results for the trial, since our last results update they have lost 5 points.

That means they are now 11 points down for the trial overall.

You can view full results here.

It certainly has been no disaster so far, but hopefully over the December break John can come up with some strategies for improving results in 2017.







Pro Tennis Tips – Results Update

2nd November 2016

A bit of a downturn this month for tennis tipster Pro Tennis Tips, with 6 points lost since our last update.

That means we are also 6 points down for the trial overall.

You can view full results here.

Let’s hope things push on from here and we have a really good month in November.

Back soon with more updates.





Pro Tennis Tips – Results Update

4th October 2016

It has been a quiet start to our trial of Pro Tennis Tips, who are 0.42 points up so far to 1 point level stakes.

You can view full results here.

The average odds so far have been 3.33, so we are talking about reasonable outsiders, which is what the service is about, rather than the odds-on shots that Banker Bets goes for.

Anyway, nothing to complain about so far – let’s hope for some good profits to report back on in our next update. 




Pro Tennis Tips – New Review

8th September 2016

We recently completed an 18-month update on the popular sports betting service Banker Bets, giving it a continued recommended verdict and a four-and-a-half star rating.

The service is run by a guy called John Baker who is a very honest and decent chap and has always been completely transparent about his results whilst we have been following Banker Bets.

And those results have been very good, with a doubled bank for 2016 and 250% total profit over the past 2 years.

Well now John is setting up a new service devoted just to tennis and given his record of success with Banker Bets, we are rather excited about its prospects.

The service is called Pro Tennis Tips and actually takes kind of the opposite approach to Banker Bets.

Where as the latter is focused on very short-odds favourites, with the average price around 1.28, this new tennis service will be based around finding longer-odds selections where a favourite has been mis-priced.

John says it’s all about finding good value odds by identifying favourites that may be ripe for an upset for a variety of reasons and the bookies have priced up too short. 

He has started formal testing of this and though still in it’s infancy initial results are outstanding, with the service already 10 points up after just 9 bets.

Interestingly John ran a tennis tipping service for 2 years and despite turning a decent profit and having several positive reviews published the service didn’t generate much interest, so he shut it down at the end of 2014 to focus 100% on Banker Bets, which had proven to be far more popular.

But the new approach looks very interesting and with John’s thorough research and ability to spot value in a price, we do think this is worth following to see how it gets on.

For one thing, the tips are being provided completely FREE for the time being, so no harm in signing up and seeing how things go!

Let’s hope he can follow the success of Banker Bets with this new tennis service and produce a few aces along the way!

You can sign up to the FREE  Pro Tennis Tips here. 

Tennis ball on court – Seven Month Update

Back in August we completed a three month trial of and unfortunately gave them a failed rating after they finished 82 points down at the end of the trial.

However, in fairness to the service we agreed to continue monitoring the results as they said the trial coincided with one of the worst periods in their history and they were confident they could turn things around as they had a long track record of success.

We have followed the tips for a further four months now, giving us seven months of proofing the tips in total.

So how have they fared? Have they managed to pick things up and improve on previous results?

The answer is yes, they have made a significant improvement since our trial ended.

In that four month period, they have made 188 points profit, a pretty decent effort.

That has been made up of the following totals:

  • Free Picks: +2 points
  • Standard Picks (i.e. £14.99/month): -16 points
  • VIP / Premium Picks (i.e. £69.99/month): +202 points

Overall then over the seven months, that means they are 106 points up to advised prices.

We have found though that advised prices are quite difficult to obtain sometimes, so you may have struggled to match those totals if you had been following the tips. 

Realistically you would probably be looking at deduction of 30-40% off the advised price totals, so you might have been looking at around 60 points profit over the seven month period.

On that basis though, we are happy to upgrade Tennis Tips from a failed rating to a NEUTRAL one and to recommend them as a tennis tipster.

We will continue monitoring results and hopefully things will continue in the same vein, at which point we could consider moving them up to a passed rating.

In the meantime though, it’s well done to the team at for turning things around and good luck for 2017.






——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- – Final Review

12th August 2016 

We have come to the end of our three month trial of and here are the final results:


Profit/loss:    -82 points
Strike Rate:    46%
Bank Growth:    -33%
Cost:   £24.99/month for standard package or £99.99/month for VIP package
ROI:   -10%
Average number of bets:    1.5 per day


You can view full results here. – Full Review


It has been something of a struggle to find a winning tennis tipster here at Honest Betting Reviews, despite a good deal of searching and a number of trials.

When we were approached to have a look at we were hopeful that we had found a rare winning system.

Certainly their past results looked excellent and their attitude seemed very professional.

However, during the trial things did not turn out as hoped and we ended up 82 points down at the end of three months of testing.

As you can see from the graph below, things went quickly downhill and touched 140 points down before recovering somewhat towards the end. 

Tennis Tips Profit Graph

With a return on investment of -10% and a third of the bank being lost, it was a tough three months for them.

It may be that we just caught this at a bad time though, as their previous results over three years look impressive. 

So we will continue to monitor their progress and see if things pick up in the coming months.

Sadly for the time being however, we have to give this a failed rating until such time as the results turn around.  


Service Breakdown

Ease of use: Fairly straightforward to use, with tips sent through by e-mail each day, and also reminders in case you missed the tips originally.

Availability of prices: The prices given in the initial e-mails when tips are sent out are best bookmakers prices, which is what we have used when recording our results. However, by using the exchanges you can often beat the advised prices by a few percent.

Strike rate: The strike rate for the trial was 46%, which is well below the 66% stated on the website and explains the sub-par performance during our trial.  

Advised Betting Bank: No betting bank was advised, but we used a 250 point bank for the trial, which suffered a 33% loss over the trial and was 56% down at one point. 

Subscription costs: The subscription costs are £24.99/month for the standard package (which includes ATP tips only) or £99.99/month for the VIP package (which include ATP, WTA and Challenger Tour tips).



We are disappointed that this trial didn’t turn out better as we were hoping to have finally found a winning tennis tipster.

The results coming into our trial were very strong and we were impressed by the professional approach taken by

Sadly things didn’t turn out well though and with a loss of 82 points and an ROI of -10%, we feel we can only give this a failed rating. 

It may have just been unfortunate timing though so we are prepared to give this more time and continue monitoring it so see if results pick up.

Certainly we like the new website and simplified approach, so they seem to be working hard at providing a good service.

Let’s hope results improve for them as well and we have some more positive news to report soon.




——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- – Results Update

29th June 2016 

With Wimbledon in full swing – weather allowing – we thought it would be a good time to update the results of one of the tennis tipsters we are trialing at the moment.

Unfortunately though the news is not good for

They have continued to struggle and have lost a further 55 points since our last update a month ago.

That means they are now 82 points down for the trial overall.

You can view full results here.

It is a shame things have been such a struggle for them as we had high hopes for this one coming into the trial.

With lots of action over the next couple of weeks at Wimbledon, hopefully they can turn things around.

We will be back with our final review of Tennis-Tips in July.





——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- – Results Update

25th May 2016 

It’s been a tough start to our trial of, who are 27 points down so far at best bookmakers’ prices. 

You can view full results here.

We are recording the results for both their VIP and Elite picks, which are the two subscription options for the service.

The one thing we have noted so far from the service is that staking fluctuates around quite a bit, with staking between 1 and 10 points per tip. 

Early on there were a lot of 1 and 2 point stakes with the occasional 5 point stake, but recently there have been quite a few more 8-10 point stakes.

So to follow this service we think you would need a reasonably-sized bank to cover these sometime large stakes.

Anyway, let’s hope things pick up for Tennis-Tips by the time of our next update. 




——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————- – New Review

6th May 2016 

With the clay court season getting into full swing and the French Open not too far away, it is a good time to be getting a trial of a tennis tipster underway here at Honest Betting Reviews.

This one looks very promising with an excellent record of results shown on their website.

The site in question is the straightforwardly-named and has been tipping since 2013.

There are basically three categories of tips with the service: –

  • Free Picks – available via e-mail or on their blog: +15 points profit
  • VIP Picks – paid tips for club members: +448 points profit
  • Elite Picks – also paid tips and the best performing of the tips: +680 points profit

The tips are in major men’s and women’s matches and come in a variety of markets including match odds, set betting, game handicaps and others. 

Normally when you are betting on tennis you expect to have a low ROI (return on investment) of perhaps 10% or below as the odds you are betting at are low, with the plus side being that you have a high strike rate.

However, Tennis Tips appear to have established an ROI well above that level, with overall figures of close to 20% and an amazing 37% for their Elite Picks.

That is with an overall strike rate of 56%, which is quite remarkable stuff.

You can get a free trial for 30 days followed by monthly payments of £69.99 for all the tips, which if their past record continues, would actually be quite reasonable.

For instance, from backing their tips since the start in 2013 with £100 stakes, you would be over £12,000 in profit.

And of course with such a high strike rate there is the possibility of compounding your stakes, to make even more profit.

The tips are sent out each day by e-mail and at the end of the day you get a summary of the picks performance with profit figures etc.

So without further ado we will get the trial underway and will be back soon with our first update on how things are going.

In the meantime you can check out Tennis Tips here.




Tennis Genie – Final Review

We have reached the end of our three month trial of Tennis Genie and here are the final results:


Profit/loss:    +60 points 
Strike Rate:    41%
Bank Growth:    60%
Cost:   £59.99/month or £499.99/year 
ROI:   19%
Average number of bets:    1 per day


You can view full results here.

Tennis Genie – Full Review


Tennis Genie is a tennis tipster providing selections for the ATP, WTA and Challenger tours. They provide an average of one tip per day and staking is between 1 and 10 points per tip.

We have yet to pass a tennis tipster or betting system here at Honest Betting Reviews, so have we finally found a winner with Tennis Genie?

Well we are pleased to say – yes, we have.

With a strong profit of 60 points achieved during our three month trial, Tennis Genie is the first tennis service to pass a live trial here on the site and receive a PASSED rating.

It’s a nice, simple service to follow with just one selection per day on average and a good strike rate of over 40%, so a high proportion of winners.

Here are the results for the trial in graph format:

Tennis Genie Profit Graph

As you can see, a nice steady rate of profit over the trial, with some small ups and downs along the way.

So with the new tennis season just about to get under way, it’s a good time to find a winning tennis tipster.

We are happy to give Tennis Genie a recommended rating and now could be a good time to sign up.


Service Breakdown

Ease of use:  With just one tip per day on average provided by e-mail and plenty of time to get the bets on, it’s one of the easier services to follow we’ve come across.   

Availability of prices:  The prices do tend to reduce by the time the matches start, so best to get the bets on as soon as possible after receiving the tips and to use the exchanges to find the best price, which are often better than the bookies. 

Strike rate: The strike rate for the trial was over 40%, so losing streaks shouldn’t be too bad here and a there is decent ratio of winners. 

Advised Betting Bank: No betting bank was advised, but we used a 100 point bank, which should be sufficient to cover most eventualities, although staking is quite variable at between 1 and 10 points, so a slightly bigger bank could be used just to be on the safe side. 

Subscription costs: The subscription costs are £59.99 per month or £499.99 per year.  



It’s great to finally have a tennis service to recommend, after numerous misses from previous ones we have trialed here on the site.

Tennis Genie achieved an excellent total of 60 points profit over our trial, at a return on investment of 19%, which is very good for tennis.

With a decent strike rate of over 40%, you should see a steady stream of winners when following the tips.

So if you are looking for some tennis tips to kick off the new season in 2017, you could do a lot worse than giving Tennis Genie a go. Highly recommended. 








Tennis Genie – Results Update

7th December 2016

A small decline for Tennis Genie since our last update, with 5 points lost since our last update. That means they are now 54 points up for the trial overall.

You can view full results here.

With the tennis season having more or less finished for the year now, there may not be too many more selections but we will keep the review going for a little while longer to keep track of any more tips that come through.

So far so good for Tennis Genie though.

Back soon with more updates. 





Tennis Genie – Results Update

18th November 2016

Things continue to go well for Tennis Genie, who have an additional 17 points profit since our last update.

That means they are now 59 points up for the trial overall.

You can view full results here.

Results were helped with a maximum 10 point win bet on Cilic to beat Djokovic in Paris, which netted 36 points of profit.

Hopefully things will continue in the same vein for them over the rest of the trial.





Tennis Genie – Results Update

27th October 2016

The positive form continues for Tennis Genie, who have added a further 7 points profit since our last update a few weeks ago.

That means they are now 42 points up for the trial overall so far.

You can view full results here.

Good stuff so far then and it’s easy to follow with just one or two tips per day on average.

Back soon with more updates.





Tennis Genie – Results Update

2nd October 2016

It’s been a good start to our trial of Tennis Genie, who are 35 points up so far after two weeks of tipping.

You can view full results here.

Staking is quite variable, with stakes from 1 to 6 points depending on the confidence in the pick. So far the big picks have done well for them.

We have yet to find a winning tennis tipster so this is a promising beginning for the Tennis Genie and let’s hope for more of the same over the course of the trial.




Tennis Genie – New Review

19th September 2016

We are yet to find a winning tennis betting system or tipster here at Honest Betting Reviews, which is quite surprising really.

Tennis is supposed to be the easiest sport to profit from and has excellent value in terms of the over-round from the bookies.

Plus there is always great liquidity on Betfair for tennis matches.

But to date sadly there hasn’t been anything we’ve found that consistently makes profit from betting on tennis.

So it is with cautious optimism that we approach our next tennis tipster, Tennis Genie.

The results on the website look very impressive, with apparently over 1500 points profit made since the service was set up in 2012. 

That has been achieved with a strike rate of close to 60% and a return on investment of over 36%.

That figure is incredibly high for tennis and for something with such a strong strike rate of 60%.

If that could be maintained during our trial and beyond, we may have found something special here and finally a winning tennis tipster.

However, only time will tell of course.

So we will get our three month trial of Tennis Genie underway and will report back soon on how things are going.

In the meantime you can check out Tennis Genie here. 




Winintennis – Final Review

We have completed our three month trial of Winintennis and here are the final results:


Profit/loss:    +4 points
Strike Rate:   89%
Bank Growth:   16%
Cost:   £59.95 per month
ROI:   24%
Average number of tips:   6 per month


You can view full results here.


Winintennis Full Review


Winintennis is a tennis tipping service that provides tips on both men’s and women’s tennis. 

We subscribed to their main pre-match betting tips, which costs £59.95 per month.

They also sometimes provide some free in-play tips and there is a dedicated in-running service costing an eye-watering…wait for it…£499.99 per month!

The main thing to note about their pre-match tips is that there aren’t very many of them! We had just 17 tips in three months of subscribing.

They ended up making 4 points profit over the trial, but we felt that once subscription costs are taken into account, it barely seems worth following the service for just 5 or 6 tips per month.

So we will give Winintennis a neutral rating – perhaps if they could up the volume of bets and keep the strike rate at a similar level, we would consider upgrading to a passed rating.


Service Breakdown

Ease of use: Good. Tips are sent out by e-mail and as we say, there are very few so following the service will take very little of your time. 

Availability of prices: Prices were generally obtainable and occasionally by using the exchanges you can beat the advised prices.

Strike rate: The strike rate for the trial was 89%, which if there was a higher volume bets could result in strong bank growth.  

Advised Betting Bank: No betting bank was advised, but we used a 25 point bank for the trial which seemed sufficient as most of the tips are at odds on and with a high strike rate, should not be too risky.  

Subscription costs: Subscription costs are £59.95 per month for the pre-match tips.



Winintennis is a low-volume tennis tipster that produced 4 points of profit during our three month trial.

It is an easy service to use and we should always commend a service that makes a profit.

However, with just a 16% growth of the bank in three months and once subscription costs are taken into account, we don’t think 4 points profit is quite enough to warrant an approved rating.

So it’s a neutral rating from us for Winintennis







Winintennis – Results Update

24th August 2016

Well Winintennis must be the lowest volume service we have ever encountered. 

Nearly three months in and we have only had 17 bets.

In total we are 4 points in profit, which isn’t too bad.

You can view full results here.

However, with such a low bet volume and low points total, there is a serious question as to whether it is worth following once subscription costs are taken into account.

We will return shortly with our final review – but I think you can guess what we are going to say…




Winintennis – Results Update

29th July 2016

Again there isn’t much to report for Winintennis.

Since our last update a month ago there have only been eight bets and we stand exactly where we did a month previous, on 2 points up.

You can view full results here.

As we said previously, this is a very low volume service and with generally short-odds selections, it would take a long time to build a bank with this one.

So with just a month to go, it seems unlikely we will be much in profit come the end of the trial.

Back in a month with our final report.




Winintennis – Results Update

30th June 2016

A month into our trial of Winintennis and we don’t have much to report in all honesty.

So far there have only been five tips, a very low number over the course of a whole month.

The good news though is that all the five tips won (although four of them were at odds of below 1.4). In total that means they are 2 points up so far.

You can view full results here.

The service seems to be more about trying to get you to sign up to their “heavily discounted” subscription for in-play tips at a whopping £499.99 per month.

If that is “heavily discounted” we wonder what the full price would be!

In addition, they send out free in-play tips, but weirdly these are mainly bets for individual games further down the line in a current match when you don’t know what the odds will be. The odds they post for those bets are often not actually available.

So we are not sure what to make of those free in-play tips.

But the main tips are in profit, so we can’t really complain thus far.

Back soon with more updates. 






Winintennis – New Review

1st June 2016

With the tennis season in full swing now and the French Open slowly working its way towards a conclusion, there is a great deal of tennis action to bet on and much more coming up over the Summer.

We have one trial of a tennis tipster that has just concluded – i.e. that of Tennis Bett – and one ongoing – that of

So we are pleased to have found another tennis tipster to test out in the form of Winintennis.

This is a service that has been around for a long time – right back to 2001 according to their website, when they apparently tipped Goran Ivanisevic to win Wimbledon at 150/1!

There are some fairly bold claims made on the website about being able to treble your bank in 3 months and that you can make £5,000 – £10,000 per month tax-free, so it will be interesting to see if they can achieve results like these under the spotlight of a live trial.

There are no results published on the website, which can be a worrying sign but does not in itself mean the service is no good. 

There is a just a list of underdog winners, which doesn’t tell us very much. 

You can get free tips under a three-month trial, which are in-play tips.

The paid subscriptions cost £59.95/month and for that you get the match tips.

So without further ado we will get our trial underway and will report back soon on how things are going.

In the meantime you can check out Winintennis here. 


tennnis racquet and ball

Tennis Bett – Final Review

We have come to the end of our three month trial of Tennis Bett and here are the final results:


Profit/loss:    -8 points
Strike Rate:    52%
Bank Growth:    -16%
Cost:   €4.95 for 1st month then €24.95/month or €49.95/quarter 
ROI:   -4%
Average number of tips:    1 per day


You can view full results here.


Tennis Bett Full Review


It has been a difficult job finding a winning tennis tipster, despite tennis being supposedly one of the most punter-friendly sports to bet on.

So we were interested to come across Tennis Bett, a service that had a good record coming into our trial of having doubled a 50 point bank over the year before our trial started.

Unfortunately things didn’t quite take off during our trial, with a loss of 8 points being recorded over the three months. That represented a small loss of 16% of the bank. 

However, we were impressed with the professional way the service was run and our results matched those on the Tennis Bett website, so we can reasonably presume the previous results are accurate too.

Here is the profit graph for the trial:

Tennis Bett Profit Graph

Things were going reasonably well but unfortunately just trailed off towards the end to finish in a loss overall.


Service Breakdown

Ease of use: With tips sent by e-mail and normally provided early in the morning, there is plenty of time to get the bets on. There is an average of just over 1 bet per day, so the workload is minimal.

Availability of prices: There is excellent liquidity in tennis, so by using the exchanges you can normally at least match, if not beat, the advised prices.

Strike rate: The strike rate for the trial was 52%, which is solid enough and means losing streaks should be short, with the ability to bet at reasonably high stakes.

Advised Betting Bank: A 50 point betting bank was advised, which seems adequate to cover drawdowns with a strike rate above 50%.

Subscription costs: You can get the first 30 days for just €4.95, then the costs are €24.95/month, €49.95/quarter or €149.95 for a lifetime subscription.



There aren’t too many tennis tipsters around when you compare them to the number of football and horse racing tipsters.

So it follows that there aren’t too many profitable tennis tipsters either.

We were hopeful we had found one in the shape of Tennis Bett, but unfortunately they didn’t quite achieve a profitable trial here at Honest Betting Reviews.

However, we do see potential with the service and liked the way it was professionally run.

With a loss of 8 points during the trial, it was not the end of the world and is certainly recoverable fairly quickly if things get going for them. 

So we will continue to monitor things and see if Tennis Bett can pick up its form as the tennis season gets going over the Summer.






Tennis Bett – Results Update

16th April 2016

Things have picked up nicely for Tennis Bett with 4 points of profit added since our last update.

That means they are now 4.61 points up overall for the trial.

You can view full results here.

This is a nice simple service to follow and Jim who runs it certainly seems to know his stuff. 

Let’s hope things continue in positive fashion for Tennis Bett.





Tennis Bett – Results Update

29th March 2016

It has been a slightly uneventful start to our trial of leading tennis tipster Tennis Bett.

So far they are exactly +0.49 points in profit after around six weeks of our trial.

You can view full results here.

It is a good time for the tennis season now with some top Masters Series events plus the run up to the French Open with the clay court events, so hopefully we will see things take off shortly.

The service is nice and easy to follow, with bets sent out in the morning normally and analysis accompanying the selections. 

Back soon with more updates on how things are going for Tennis Bett. 




Tennis Bett – New Review

11th February 2016

We are pleased to be commencing a new trial of a tennis tipster here at Honest Betting Reviews.

Tennis tipsters are a rare breed – indeed, whilst the internet is swamped by legions of horse racing and football tipsters selling their wares to all and sundry, you have to search quite hard to find any tennis tipsters.

The two tennis specialists we have tried so far – Tennis Trading League and Serve It Up Tennis Tips – unfortunately both failed three month trials. 

The other tennis tipster we have tried, Banker Bets, is actually more of a football tipster with some bets on the tennis during big tournaments etc.

So when we were approached to trial Tennis Bett from a chap calling himself just Jim, we were more than happy to take up the offer.

The results on the website look good, with a 50 point bank having more than doubled to over 100 points using level stakes over the past year.

The long term strike rate is over 70% which is pretty healthy and should mean losing streaks are kept to a minimum.

You can get a one month trial for just €4.95 followed by €24.95 per month, €49.95 per quarter or €149.95 for lifetime.

So we look forward to getting the trial under way and seeing how this one gets on.

It is slightly surprising that there aren’t more tennis tipsters out there, particularly as the bookies’ overround on tennis is low, markets on Betfair are very liquid and I seem to remember reading somewhere that tennis is statistically the best sport to bet on from a punter’s point of view.

Anyway, let’s see if we can land our first winning tennis tipster here with Tennis Bett.

Back soon with our first update on how things are going. 

tennis ball bouncing on line

Serve It Up Tennis Tips – Final Review

It has taken us a bit longer than expected to get over the 100 bet mark in order to properly evaluate this tipster, but we have finally reached that target so can now round up our review of Serve It Up Tennis Tips.

Here are the final results:


Profit/loss: -16 points
Strike Rate: 29%
Bank Growth: -31%
Cost: £19.95/month, £49.95/quarter or £129.95 for life
ROI: -7%
Average number of tips: 5 per week


You can view full results here.


Serve It Up Tennis Tips Final Review


It has been a somewhat disappointing trial for Serve It Up Tennis Tips, who have ended up 16 points down after 5 months of tipping.

That represents a 31% bank loss and -7% return on investment, which are not quite up to the standard we have come to expect of Betting Gods services in general.

But more worrying for us was the considerable drawdown experienced during the trial. Here are the results in graph format:

Serve It Up Tennis Tips Profit Graph

Serve It Up Tennis Tips Results Graph


As you can see on the graph, at one point we were 46 points down and with a 50 point bank advised, that represents a 92% loss of the bank.

This is far worse than any service should endure and we have to say again highlights an issue with the size of betting banks being advised by some tipsters.

For a service that tips in up to 10 point unit stakes, 50 points was frankly never going to be enough. We think a minimum 150 point bank should be advised, given the drawdown experienced during the trial plus the unit staking.

We do feel we have to come down hard on services that don’t advise sufficient bank sizes to cover their own drawdowns, so this service gets a failed rating from us unfortunately.


Service Breakdown

Ease of use: Good – there are only around 5 bets per week so minimal work is involved and with tennis being a very liquid market on Betfair, there was not much of a problem getting the bets on. 

Availability of prices: Good – as above, prices were generally freely available via either Betfair or the bookies. However, sometimes prices were not given with tips and the results published on the website were not always correctly updated.

Strike rate: At just 29%, the strike rate was somewhat below what would be required for the service to make a profit when tipping at these odds.

Advised Betting Bank: A 50 point bank was advised but clearly this was not enough as we were 46 points down at one stage. We would suggest a bank of at least 150 points.

Subscription costs: £19.95/month, £49.95/quarter or £129.95 for life



Any service that loses 92% of its advised bank is not one many people are going to stick with and for this reason alone, we feel we have to give a failed rating to Serve It Up Tennis Tips.

The fact that they tip up to 10 points on some bets means 50 points was never going to be a big enough bank and this was borne out during the trial.

However, even leaving bank size issues aside, the end results for the trial were disappointing too, with a 31% loss of the bank and -7% ROI. 

We have come to expect very high standards from Betting Gods services and unfortunately this one has not quite measured up.

So our search for a winning tennis tipster goes on…



Results Update – Serve It Up Tennis Tips

24th August 2015 

We now have over three months of results for Serve It Up Tennis Tips and whilst that would normally be enough for us to write a final review, we only have 72 bets so far and we normally need at least 100 to draw any conclusions.

Read more

Tennis Trading League – Final Review

We have come to the end of our three month trial of Tennis Trading League‘s betting tips and here are the results:


Profit/loss: -9.14 points
Strike Rate: 58%
Bank Growth: -46%
Cost: £5 per week, £12 per month or £129 for lifetime
ROI: -6%
Average number of tips: 1.5 per day


You can view full results here.


Tennis Trading League Final Review

This is the first tennis tipster we have reviewed here at Honest Betting Reviews and unfortunately it has hit one too many “unforced errors” over the trial.

The first thing to point out is that we were reviewing the betting tips provided by the service rather than their trading system.

With a loss of just over 9 points, it has been a somewhat disappointing trial and we do not feel on this basis we can recommend the tipping aspect of the service.

That loss of 9 points represents a 46% reduction in the bank which is quite a significant drawdown.

They do not appear to publish their past results so it is difficult to gauge if the tips have been profitable in the longer term either. Normally if results are positive then services shout it from the rooftops, but we cannot know for sure either way here.

So our search for a profitable tennis tipster goes on – perhaps Serve It Up Tennis Tips will produce the goods.

Here are the results in graph format anyway:

Tennis Trading League Profit Graph

As you can see, things never really got going early on and went into minus territory around half way through and didn’t recover from there.


Service Breakdown

Ease of use: Good – there are on average 1.5 bets per day. The tips are sent by e-mail at 8-9 am UK time and prices are given based on Betfair prices. It doesn’t take long to place the bets.

Availability of prices: Prices were generally freely available and we did not have too many problems matching the advised prices. The good thing is that tennis markets are very liquid on Betfair so even with a large number of followers, the tips would be unlikely to affect prices too much.

Strike rate: The strike rate during the trial was 57%, but with average odds of around 1.7 you would need the strike rate to be higher to generate a profit.

Advised Betting Bank: The advised staking is 5% on each tip, so that works out at a 20 point bank. That unfortunately meant a 46% loss of the bank during our trial.

Subscription costs: The costs are very reasonable at £5 per week, £12 per month or £129 for lifetime membership.



Unfortunately with a 46% loss of the bank, we are unable to recommend Tennis Trading League’s betting tips. 

And with past results not published, we can’t see anything to suggest that this was just a blip and that results are normally much better.

So our search for a winning tennis tipster goes on, much like Mr Federer’s search for an 18th grand slam title.






Time for some Tennis Betting Tips?

New review 21st April 2015

You can check out Tennis Trading League here

With the sun shining and the Summer seemingly just around the corner, I thought it would be a good time to commence a review of a service offering tennis betting tips. 

After all, the French Open is coming up soon and then before you know it, we will all be munching strawberries and cream and enjoying the wonders of Wimbledon.

So today we are commencing a review of Patrick Ross’s Tennis Trading League. This is a service sending out daily tennis betting tips for the main tennis circuits in both the men’s and women’s games.

tennis 5The service is very reasonably priced with various packages available – £7 per week, £15 per month (with £1 for the first month) or £40 for the first year and £117 for each year after that, if you like the long term options.

As well as betting tips, there are other options available. You can also get Patrick’s tennis trading tips and strategies, at extra cost to the main betting tips. For this review we will be sticking to just the betting tips to keep things manageable.

I can’t seem to find a full list of results on the website which is a little unusual, but of course this doesn’t mean the site isn’t successful – time well tell! We will be running our usual three month review which should take us nicely through the clay court season, taking in Roland Garros and then on to the grass court season and Wimbledon.

Who knows, we may even see another Andy Murray grand slam triumph during our trial.

Patrick has been running the service for a number of years and boasts quotes from lots of happy members, so let’s hope I am one such member come the end of the review 🙂

In the meantime, you can check out Tennis Trading League here