
DG Tips – Final Review

We have reached the end of our three month trial of DG Tips and here are the final results:-


Profit/Loss:   +22 points
Strike Rate:   36% (including placed horses)
Bank Growth:     44%
Cost:   £30/month, £75/quarter or £250/year
ROI:   8%
Average number of bets:   3 per day
Verdict:   PASSED


You can view full results here.


DG Tips – Full Review


DG Tips is a horse racing tipster from the Tipsters Empire stable of tipsters. 

They entered our trial with a strong reputation, having amassed over 400 points profit in just 18 months of tipping.

Often we find that strong performances prior to our trial don’t always translate into strong performances under live trial conditions.

Fortunately though, we are pleased to say that was certainly not the case with DG Tips, which performed admirably during our trial, notching up a solid 22 points of profit at advised prices.

That was achieved with a good strike rate of 36% (including placed horses) and a decent return on investment of 8%.

And since our trial ended, they have racked up a further 28 points of profit, meaning that since we started following the tips at the beginning of January this year, they have made a very impressive 50 points of profit.

That is a strong performance from a tipster whose tips are nearly all 1-point level stakes.

As you can see from the graph below, it was a little bit of a roller-coaster ride over the trial, but we were always in profit and things have continued positively since the trial ended.

DG Tips Profit Graph

The only downside to the service is that based on the evidence of our trial, it doesn’t appear practical to follow at Betfair SP, as it actually made a 20 point loss at Betfair SP compared to the 22 point profit made at advised prices.

So overall we are happy to award DG Tips a RECOMMENDED rating and four stars.


Service Breakdown

Ease of use:  There are around 3 tips per day which are sent out the night before racing, so enough time to place the bets and not too time-consuming either. 

Availability of prices:  The prices get pushed in significantly between when tips are sent out and the off, so early placement of your bets is imperative. As we state above, it does not appear on the basis of our trial that using Betfair SP will be a viable option with this service. 

Strike rate: The strike rate for the trial was 36% (including placed horses), so a decent proportion of bets giving a return. 

Advised Betting Bank: We used a 50 point bank for the trial which we think should be sufficient in the long run, bearing in mind the vast majority of stakes are 1 point and with a 36% strike rate. 

Subscription costs: The subscription fees are £30/month, £75/quarter, £135/6 months or £250/year.



DG Tips has performed very well during our trial, notching up 22 points of profit. Since our trial ended they have been in stellar form, adding another 28 points of profit.

That means in just over four months of following the tips, they have made 50 points of profit.

All that with the vast majority of tips to one point stakes is impressive stuff.

The only downside is that the service does not appear practical to follow at Betfair SP, so to get the most out DG Tips you will need access to bookmaker accounts.

As long as you have that, then this is one we would recommend adding to your betting portfolio. 

You can check out DG Tips here.






DG Tips – Results Update

21st March 2017

A small decline for DG Tips since our last update a month ago, with 3 points lost at advised prices.

That means they are now 28 points up for the trial overall at advised prices.

You can view full results here.

At Betfair SP things have fared a little worse, with 16 points lost since our last update, leaving them 4 points down for the trial.

So it is looking questionable as to whether the service is practical to follow at Betfair SP, but certainly at advised prices it has been doing well. 






DG Tips – Results Update

27th February 2017

Things continue to move on nicely upwards for horse racing tipster DG Tips from the Tipsters Empire stable. 

They have added another 13 points of profit at advised prices since our last update a couple of weeks ago.

That means they are now 31 points up for the trial overall. 

You can view full results here.

At Befair SP there is a bit of a difference, with 9 points of profit added since our last update and 12 points of profit made overall.

So it is still unclear whether the service is practical to follow at Betfair SP, but at advised prices it is looking very good. 







DG Tips – Results Update

10th February 2017

More profits for DG Tips since our last update a couple of weeks ago. 

They have added another 6 points of profit in that time at advised prices, taking them to 18 points up overall for the trial.

You can view full results here.

At Betfair SP things have struggled somewhat, with 1 point actually lost since our last update, taking us to 3 points up overall for the trial.

So the jury is out on whether this service is practical to follow at Betfair SP – we will need more date before making any conclusions there.

But at advised prices things are going very well and we are impressed with the results.  





DG Tips – Results Update

23rd January 2017

It has been a good start to our trial of horse racing tipster DG Tips from the Tipsters Empire stable.

So far we are 12 points up to advised prices.

You can view full results here.

At Betfair SP we are 4 points up, so a bit of a gap opening up there. We will keep an eye on things to see if that remains the case over the rest of the trial.

The vast majority of bets are to 1 point stakes, so that keeps things nice and simple. 

So far so good then from DG Tips – let’s hope they keep up the good work. 





DG Tips – New Review

9th January 2017

We are pleased to be getting a new trial underway of a very promising-looking horse racing tipster.

This is our first trial of a tipster from the Tipsters Empire stable and it is always nice to find a new source of tipping talent.

The tipster in question is called DG Tips and from the results so far, looks the most impressive of the tipsters on the Tipsters Empire platform.

In eighteen months of tipping they have made over 400 points profit, which is excellent stuff. The last six months have all been profitable, with July being particularly outstanding with 75 points of profit and October also very good with 40 points profit.

Their winners have included Saigon City at 40/1, Calvinist at 33/1 and Wall of Fire at 28/1.

This does seem to be a service that tips at longer odds so patience may be required, but if you are someone who likes the big wins then this could be for you.

The tips include detailed write-ups which we always like to see and clearly DG knows his horses.

We are quite excited about this trial as we think we could be onto something special here. Only time will tell of course but the previous results are pretty phenomenal.

Just a note that we started receiving tips on 5th January so that is when we will record results from.

We will report back soon on how things are going.

In the meantime you can check out DG Tips from Tipsters Empire here. 


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