Elite Basketball Tips

Elite Basketball Tips – New Review

We are starting a new review today of a basketball service called Elite Basketball Tips

This is a service run from the Betting Gods platform and they have been tipping since January 2023, so just over two years now. 

The stats are very impressive, with 269 points profit made in that time, with a 23% return on investment (ROI) and a 65% win rate.

Certainly if they can maintain those stats then this would be one of the best sports service we have come across in some time. 

The tips come in a variety of leagues from the NBA to European leagues and the likes of Japan and China. Bets cover markets from match odds to over/unders and handicaps. 

Given the types of markets being tipped in we will have to see how prices hold up. 

Fingers crossed for a good trial though as we haven’t come across many good basketball tipsters over the years so would be good to find one. 

We will get things underway today and will report back here soon on how they are getting on.

In the meantime you can check out Elite Basketball Tips for yourself here



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