Betfair Scalper – Final Review
We have reached the end of our trial of Betfair Scalper so it is time for the Final Review.
On this occasion however, given that this is a trading guide and no two people will get the same results, we don’t think it is appropriate to do our normal final review with results stats, as they will not be representative of what someone else would have achieved over the same period.
There are so many variables – trading style, number of days and races traded, attitude to risk, staking etc that we think it would be more useful to give an overview of the product and our views on it.
So we will have a look at what it is, how effective we found it, our experience and the pros and cons.
Betfair Scalper – What Is It?
Betfair Scalper is a training course for “scalping” the Betfair horse racing markets in the 10-15 minutes before a race starts.
Scalping, in case you are not aware, is the process of skimming small but consistent profits from trading the movements in odds at the exchanges.
What you are looking for is just one or two ticks of movement in the odds – say from 3.5 down to 3.45 – and then trade out for a profit.
Do this over and over again and you have the potential to make some decent profits.
When you join up to Betfair Scalper, you are given access to ten hours of training videos on how to scalp the markets. The guide is suitable for beginners who don’t know anything about scalping or trading right up to experienced traders.
To scalp you will need to sign up to some trading software such as Bet Angel Professional. This is essential and you simply won’t be able to do the scalps without some trading software.
So the idea is to work your way through the training videos, watch how the trades are executed and then practice until you are ready to go live.
Once you have got the hang of it then it is time to go live and start scalping the markets.
It is important to point out that this is a trading guide rather than a very fixed set of rules where you are told to trade to exact parameters. A certain amount of it is learning to spot the patterns and then getting a feel of when and how to trade.
Does It Work?
Having worked through the videos and tested out the strategies, we are confident to say that Betfair Scalper is a good guide to scalping the horse racing markets and we made a solid profit on the days we used it.
The idea of scalping is to take advantage of movement in odds. Horse racing markets are highly volatile in the lead up to races staring, making them ideal targets for someone wishing to scalp.
As a scalper you are trying to secure just one or two ticks of movement in the odds, which in most cases happens as a matter of course.
Now obviously you have to also predict which way the market is going to move – and this may at first seem like a challenge. After all, if anyone could really predict the way markets move, wouldn’t they be some kind of trading genius and have made millions?
The truth is though that on most occasions, the horse racing markets are so volatile before the off that they will move in both directions – both up and down – which is perfect for us scalpers looking to lock in a profit.
So you don’t really have to predict which way the market will go, you just need to know how to set things up, which is what Betfair Scalper shows you how to do.
It also shows you how to spot general patterns and the likely direction of movement – which is helpful in picking your entry and exit points.
Our Results
As we mentioned above, looking at our results is not necessarily representative of what you would achieve as a scalper as there are so many variables involved.
However, we know many of you will want to get an idea of how we did when using the scalping strategies live, so our results were as follows:
- 2.9
- 0.65
- 1.21
- -2.47
- 0.51
- 2.03
- 0.88
- 1.15
- 1.54
- 0.8
During a total of 10 trading days then, we made a profit of 9.2 points, using £2 stakes.
What is encouraging is that nine of the ten days were profitable and most of the time the profits were quite easy to accrue.
Once you have gone through the process of setting everything up and got the hang of it, scalping will become like second nature. It can even be fun – and quite addictive!
Are there any downsides?
The only downsides we can see is that you are only making a small amount each race. Trading using £2 stakes, you will generally only make a few pence per trade.
Now obviously you can increase the stakes and if you are going to invest the time into scalping then you probably should gradually increase the stakes as you become more comfortable with it.
But with increased stakes comes increased risk – firstly that your trade might not be matched (less likely but can happen) and secondly that if a trade goes against you then you have to take the hit.
There is also a general risk with trading – and this comes with all trading and not just BF Scalper – of keeping your emotions in check and staying disciplined.
Anyone who’s done any amount of trading, whether it be on the stockmarket, Betfair or elsewhere, will know the risks that go with it. Overtrading, becoming too cocky, not taking a loss when you should, trading fatigue – these are all things that can happen and can do a lot of damage to your bank.
So we would advise if you are going to do this to watch closely the advice on trading mentality and really apply it, because it is as important – if not more so – than the strategies themselves.
From our own experience, we would also say that it is absolutely crucial to make sure all trades are closed before the race starts – don’t leave an open bet (particularly a lay!) and hope it goes your way in-running. Sods law it won’t!
Sometimes the market will just go against you – it will move in the opposite direction from what you expected and doesn’t come back. You either need to have a stop loss set or take a hit. It is painful but is part of trading.
Overall we are happy to give Betfair Scalper an APPROVED rating as we do think this a genuine, useful trading guide and the strategies worked well for us under live test conditions.
To make it worthwhile in terms of time commitment then you will need to increase the stakes, probably up towards £100 per trade ultimately. But we would advise only doing this gradually and starting with £2 stakes until you are really confident with it.
Obviously you will need to have the time to trade races live, whether in the afternoon or evening.
If you are disciplined and learn the techniques then you can do well with this and we think it is a worthwhile product to add to the portfolio.
Betfair Scalper – Results Update
24th June 2017
We have continued testing Betfair Scalper and continue to be impressed with the results.
Since our last update we have had another seven trading days and here are the results:-
- 0.65
- 1.21
- -2.47
- 0.51
- 2.03
- 0.88
- 1.15
So overall that’s a profit of 3.96 since our last update. We have continued trading with £2 stakes to keep things uniform.
Most of the time the trading is quite straightforward and your scalps will be matched without too much worry.
However, there are two points you need to be aware of:
Firstly, sometimes the market goes against you and this is where you have to be careful. The videos do show you how to set up stop losses, but at the same time say it may not be worth having stop losses because they often get taken, just before the market turns in your favour.
Ultimately it is up to you whether to have stop losses or not, but just be aware that sometimes you will put in a trade and it goes against you and never comes back in your direction, so you have to take a loss before the race starts – or have a stop loss in place.
This leads on to the second point – you have to make sure you have closed out all trades before the race starts. If you have a lay bet still open for example, at say odds of 5.0, then it could cost you days worth of trading profit if that horse goes on to win the race without its odds rising during the race to allow you a back bet at a level close to that 5.0. So basically it is a big risk and this should be pointed out more clearly in the videos in our opinion.
So we think that if you are not careful then you can make losses here – ultimately you are trying to predict which way the markets will go and they will not always go your way.
Overall though we are still impressed with this training product and believe it can lead to good profits if the techniques are followed correctly.
We will do just a few more trading days before rounding off our review of Betfair Scalper shortly.
Betfair Scalper – Results Update
19th May 2017
Firstly we would like to apologise for the delay in updating our review of Betfair Scalper as quite a few of you have been contacting us over e-mail asking for updates.
We have had some technical issues with the site (which you may have noticed!) which meant having to move it to a new server and sorting out some gremlins.
Plus we wanted to take the time to really understand the training videos properly and to be sure we knew what we were doing, to be fair to the makers of the course.
Anyway, now that we have got round to updating our review, what do we think?
Early Thoughts
There are a lot of videos to get through and it is a lot to take in, particularly if you are new to trading the markets on Betfair.
You will need to sign up to Bet Angel Professional (or equivalent trading software), which costs around £20 to £30 per month depending on which package you go for.
It is clearly a genuine product and not just one of these sloppily put together pieces of rubbish you see so many of floating around the internet these days.
These are detailed and clearly worked-out strategies for trading the horse-racing markets before the off on Betfair.
Basically you are looking to trade in the last 5-10 minutes before the race and looking for certain patterns on the candle charts to indicate when to execute a trade.
As the name of the product suggests, this is about scalping – taking one or two ticks profit out of each trade – rather than looking for big swings in prices.
The training is primarily about watching the strategies that the author of the course (whom I believe is called Stuart) and learning from what he does.
It is not a rigid set of rules setting out a fixed system, but rather about learning a strategy.
Or to be more precise, there are two main strategies in the “Basic Scalping” course, which is all we have looked at so far.
So you really need to take some time to watch the videos (some of the main ones more than once), understand the techniques and then practice, practice and practice and some more.
If you do that, then you have a chance of making it a success.
Now we should preface this by saying that everyone who uses Betfair Scalper will get different results. As we say it is not a rigid set of rules so it will depend which races you do, where you enter and exit trades, how many trades you do and so on.
What we have found so far though, both in practice and live, is that it has worked remarkably well.
Our tester has just done his first live day today (only staking £2 per trade), but made a profit in 11 out of 12 races and scratch (level) in the other. The Betfair screenshot for the afternoon is below:
A really good day then, just nice steady profits and no losing races which is reassuring.
Obviously this is just one day so we will have to see a much broader set of results before drawing any conclusions, but certainly so far it is looking good and we are enjoying trading in this way – in fact it can be quite addictive!
Of course the other thing is that we are only trading with £2 stakes, so we obviously need to build these up to a point where we are making enough profit to make the time invested worthwhile. Only making £2.90 for an afternoon’s work – no matter how much fun – is not going to bring home the bacon!
Stuart trades in £50 stakes in the videos but says he trades up to £200 when he is trading himself, so we will aim to ultimately get up at least to £50 – £100 per trade and see at that point how much you could make from trading a day’s races.
Early Conclusion
We like the course and think the strategies set out in it are sound. There is a lot to take in but ultimately it should be worth taking the time to watch all the videos.
The proof of the pudding with these things is always in the eating though – can you actually make any money with it?
So far we would say yes, although it is still early days.
We will aim to test it for another month or so and get a bigger body of results to go on before drawing our final conclusions and wrapping up our review.
In the meantime, you can check out Betfair Scalper here.
Betfair Scalper – New Review
31st March 2017
Today we are commencing a review of a Betfair trading product called Betfair Scalper.
In case you aren’t aware, scalping is the process of skimming small but consistent profits from trading the movements in odds at the exchanges.
It’s easier said than done, as you can imagine.
The idea of scalping originates from the stock market, where companies spend billions developing bots that can trade at a fraction of a second – apparently as little as a trillionth of a second now – to skim off little amounts from changes in share prices.
So as you can imagine, it is a super-competitive field in the stock market world and a tough place to make a profit whilst competing against the mega banks and financial experts.
However, the Betfair markets are a little less competitive than this and offer up an opportunity to make a profit for the shrewd trader.
Certainly the barriers to entry are much lower, as you can trade for just £2 per bet where as with the stock market you tend to need hundreds or even thousands of pounds to get going.
It is therefore with great interest that we approach this trial of Betfair Scalper, which offers the possibility of making some decent profits from trading without needing to worry about the result of a horse race.
We have heard lots of positive things about this, so start off with expectations that this should be a novel and interesting product to review.
It is primarily a trading course, with over ten hours of training videos teaching you the very same methods the owners use to make hundreds of pound per week.
If the process works, then the great thing about it is you can use it again and again to build up a bank and make a decent second income for yourself.
Plus you don’t need to worry about having your bookie accounts closed as this is all on Betfair, so you can just keep on doing it.
Even if you were just making £2 per race, if you did that 10 times per day it would be £20 per day, or £600 per month.
And of course once you are experienced you could potentially up your stakes and make considerably more than that – quite a tantalising prospect.
Now as this is a training course rather than a set “system,” we plan to do a review of the course and then a sample of our results for a period to give a comprehensive picture of the package.
So without further ado we will get the review underway and will report back soon on how things are going.
In the meantime, you can check out Betfair Scalper here.
You dont say you have tried the advanced strategy which can triple the profits and I can say that having tried all sorts of expensive rubbish in my time trying to learn to trade that this course is the best by far and has taught me how to trade and make money from Betfair
Sis this still working Gary?
Hello Stephen,
The course is not something that works, or doesn’t work, it is a skill that we teach, and not a system; therefore the gains one would make would be individual, and very much depends on how one would learn such a progressive skill, and their perceptions of the markets during/after the training.
To try and answer your question though, we have more members than ever before sending positive communications regarding their progress, and if you look at the top of the member feedback section (at the time of writing) you will see some very recent member feedback as I show a selection of the daily member emails being sent in:
I hope this helps, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours,
Hello Stephen,
The course is not something that works, or doesn’t work, it is a skill that we teach, and not a system; therefore the gains one would make would be individual, and very much depends on how one would learn such a progressive skill, and their perceptions of the markets during/after the training.
To try and answer your question though, we have more members than ever before sending positive communications regarding their progress, and if you look at the top of the member feedback section (at the time of writing) you will see some very recent member feedback as I show a selection of the daily member emails being sent in:
I hope this helps, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavours,