Half Time Hero – Final Review

We have reached the end of our three month trial of Half Time Hero and here are the final results:


Profit/loss:    -83.25 points
Strike Rate:   43%
Bank Growth:    -28%
Cost:   £19.99 per month
ROI:   -11%
Average number of tips:    1 per day


You can view full results here.


Half Time Hero Full Review


Well this has truly been a case of “hero to zero.” 

We started off the trial with high hopes for Half Time Hero as it appeared to have come up with a novel way of approaching betting on football matches.

Taking a niche approach to betting, particularly on football, is in our opinion the key to making long-term profits. 

That is exactly what Half Time Hero did, by only betting in the first half goals market – i.e. for there to be at least one goal in the first half of selected matches.

And with promising results published on their website prior to our trial, we thought they might be onto something.

Well sadly things didn’t match our expectations at all. 

We were sitting on -83 points for the trial when the service was abruptly stopped. 

There was no e-mail saying selections would be stopping nor any explanation – we just stopped receiving selections on 18th January. We e-mailed to ask what was happening and received no response.

So then we took to going on their website and whilst there is no message on the website about the service being terminated, when you click on the subscribe button it says the service is no longer available.

What annoys us about this though is that they didn’t have the courtesy to inform us the service was finishing or provide us with an explanation.

So if we weren’t being watchful, we quite easily could have gone on paying the monthly subscription.

Fortunately we cancelled just in time before being billed again.

So all in all we are left disappointed and can only give this a FAILED rating. The results for the trial were very disappointing and it didn’t appear that they had uncovered an edge – or at least didn’t do so during our trial.

And their failure to inform us of what was happening or to respond to our e-mails adds to the disappointment here.

So its on to the next system for us and one to forget about here…





Half Time Hero – Results Update

3rd January 2016

It has continued to be a struggle for Half Time Hero since our last update just over a month ago. They have dropped a further 50 points to sit at -77 points overall for the trial. 

You can view full results here.

We had high hopes for this service heading into the trial, so it has been disappointing so far after two months of the trial.

It seems that backing over 0.5 goals in the first half is not as simple as it seems. Lots of the results so far have been “pushes” – where there is a goal in the first few minutes before the bet can be matched.

And of the others where the bets have been matched, too many have failed to produce a goal.

Anyway, hopefully they can pick things up and deliver some profits in the final month of the trial.

We will return in February with our final review for Half Time Hero.




Half Time Hero – Results Update

25th November 2015

Unfortunately it has been a slow start to our trial of Half Time Hero. So far after three weeks they are 28 points down.

You can view full results here.

This is a service that bets on there being at least one goal in the first half of selected matches. However, they bet at odds of 1.5 on every bet, so on most occasions you have to wait up until 10 minutes for the bets to get matched.

Hence quite a few bets are void as goals are scored in the first ten minutes before your bets get matched.

We did have quite high hopes for this service, so let’s hope results pick up a bit from here.

Back soon with more updates.



Half Time Hero – New Review

6th November 2015

Today we are commencing a review of a new football betting system called Half Time Hero. 

As the title suggests, it focuses on bets just in the first half of matches – so that if they win, I suppose you could say you are a “half time hero” – and don’t need to worry about the rest of the match.

Specifically, they bet solely on there being a goal in the first half of a match. So you can do this either by backing over 0.5 first half goals or laying the HT 0-0 scoreline. It shouldn’t make much of a difference which you do, as they are both liquid markets and are effectively the same thing.

An interesting twist to the service though is that they only bet at odds of 1.5 (on the over 1.5 first half goals market) – which as you can imagine, means the bet will generally only be matched in-running. 

So there is the possibility that a goal will be scored before your bet is matched, meaning a void bet, but Brian who runs the service says not to worry as there will be plenty more games to bet on.

He also says most bets will be matched within the first 10 minutes, so we will see if that is reflected in the results during our trial.

The results published on the website look impressive, with over 17 points of profit since the service started in August of this year. That is very impressive for a football service backing at such low odds and equates to over 5 points profit per month so far.

There are three possible staking plans suggested:

1. Level staking using a 30 point bank – simply backing each selection for 1 point.. simple enough!

2. Perecentage bank staking – Increase your stake as your bank increase by percentage value.

3. Double or nothing! This is not quite as it sounds – it means taking your winnings from the previous bet and rolling them on to the next one. So it is high risk but Brian illustrates with an example how it can quickly escalate if you have 5 winners or so in a row.

We will use level staking for the trial however, as that is what we use for every other trial to ensure a level playing field between the services we review.

Encouragingly, you are promised that if you fail to make a profit from the selections in any given month, you will be refunded the subscription costs of £19.99. Can’t say fairer than that really!

We have to say we are quite intrigued by this service, it appears to be a beautifully simple approach but could well be profitable with the correct research done.

Anyway, as ever only time will tell. Check back here for updates on how things go during the trial.

In the meantime you can check out Half Time Hero here. 



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