Morning Value Service – Final Review

£125,000 profit in 3 years for this expert horse racing service.

You can get the Morning Value Service here


Here are the results for our 8 month review of the Morning Value Service:

Profit/loss: +330 points
Strike rate: 17%
Bank growth: 45%*
Cost: £320 per quarter, £560 for 6 months or £960 per year
ROI: 8%
Average number of tips: 19 per day


You can view full results here

*bank growth has been calculated on a 3 month pro-rata basis to make it comparable to our standard reviews


Morning Value Service Full Review

There are those people out there who like to study the form, look at all the races and pick out their one best bet for the day.

The Morning Value Service takes a different approach – this is a high volume service that churns out between 15 and 25 bets a day.

Despite the name, they don’t just tip in the morning, but also send out a later update if there is evening racing as well 🙂

Basically the service is split into 4 types of bets:

  • The main selections for the morning
  • “Of interest” selections for the morning (these are a small number of more speculative long- odds bets)
  • The main evening bets
  • “Of interest” evening selections.

You can subscribe to the morning bets (including of interest bets), the evening selections, or both.

The morning bets are sent out at 10.30am and the evening bets around 4.30pm – 5pm. You are given an advised price for each selection. All bets are at 1 point level stakes.

The long term record of the service is superb, with 2600 points profit to 1 point level stakes over a period of three and a half years. That would be over £125,000 to £50 level stakes and £26,000 to just £10 stakes!

I have been a member of the service since July 2014 and results since then have been impressive.

Here are the results for the Morning bets in graph format:


Nice, steady bank growth and they have never been in deficit since I joined.

And here are the evening bet results:


Also very solid, steady bank growth over the period of the review. 


Service Breakdown

Ease of use: Good – I use Betfair to place bets and it takes me about 10 mins each day to place the bets. If you wanted to use bookies it would take considerably longer, I would guess perhaps 30 minutes or so. But you can still get good prices using Betfair – see below.

Availability of prices: Very good. Often when a service as good as this comes along, it almost becomes a victim of its own success and prices crash as soon as bets are sent out.

I have followed the selections at Betfair SP (BSP) however and have actually managed to slightly improve upon the advised prices. This really is good news for those of us that have already had our bookie accounts closed.

Strike rate: The strike rate is typically around 15-20% so it will encounter the odd drawdown along the way.

Advised Betting Bank: 250 points, which seems more than adequate to cover the losing runs at the above strike rate.

Subscription costs: High: £320 per quarter, £560 for 6 months or £960 for the year. This is for all the bets – morning and evening.


Although subscription costs are high, this has to be taken in the context of the overall record of the service, which is obviously excellent at over 2,500 points profit in 3 and a half years.

Although I have only been with this service for just over 6 months, I understand it has been proofed elsewhere before that so have no reason to question the long term results.

Kieran, who runs the service, seems like a very honest and decent guy and is always on hand to answer questions.

I would think you would need a minimum betting bank of £2500 to make it worthwhile to follow this service and make up for the high subscription costs.

If you can do, it is highly recommended and offers the possibility of making very good returns for less than 10 minutes work a day.

Can’t say fairer than that really can we!

This one definitely goes on to our passed systems list.

You can sign up for the Morning Value Service here.

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