The Value Seeker Final Review

Did it find the value?

You can get the Value Seeker here

Profit/loss: 0.26 points
Strike rate: 14%
Bank growth: 0.1%
Cost: £30 per month
ROI: 0.1%
Average number of tips: 2 per day


You can view full results here


The Value Seeker Final Review

Coming into this review the Value Seeker had notched up one of the most impressive points totals I have come across. Indeed, they asked the question themselves “Is this the greatest proofing period ever?”

With over 1200 points profit in 18 months, it was not a ridiculous claim to make. So how did it get on during our trial?

Well things got off to a rip-roaring start and I was suitably excited when just two days in, the service landed a 65/1 winner in the form of Lough Derg Walk. 

However, sadly that profit has been steadily eroded over the subsequent three months and we end up back where we started at break even point.

So no real damage done, but nothing to write home about either.

The provider of the selections Tony Gibson has clearly spent a good deal of time coming up the system and this is evidenced in his book of the same name, The Value Seeker, which is an interesting read.

Essentially it is a system for selecting unexposed horses from some of the top trainers, but I can’t really say more than that without giving too much away.

Ease of use: OK – you have to log in to a forum to find the selections rather than having them e-mailed to you. Tips are available by around 10 am daily (UK time) and it is advised to use Betfair SP, which makes things easy. There are on average about 2 bets per day so using Betfair only it shouldn’t take long to place the bets.

Availability of prices: Very good – as above, you are advised to use Betfair SP so no problem in getting the bets on and you know you can match the advertised results. 

Strike rate: The strike rate for the trial was just 14%, so patience and a good size betting bank are required.

Advised Betting Bank: A 200 point betting bank is advised, which seems more than adequate to deal with the losing runs.

Subscription costs: The subscription costs are very reasonable at £30 per month, which includes not just the Value Seeker selections but a suite of other systems and tips from Tony Gibson’s website.


As the service broke even over the course of the trial, the only fair verdict seems to be a placing in our neutral category.

Given the previous results and the fact that this has a well-researched and carefully thought out system behind it, we will continue to monitor results and see if there is an improvement.


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