Racing Exchange

Racing Exchange – Final Review

We have reached the end of our three month trial of Racing Exchange and here are the final results:-


Profit/Loss:   -122 points
Strike Rate:   20%
Bank Growth:   -24%
ROI:   -10%
Average Number of Bets:   13 per day
Cost:   £9.99 for 1st month then £19.95/month


You can view full results here.


Racing Exchange – Full Review


At the start of this trial we were excited that we may have found the “holy grail” of horse racing services – something that was consistently profitable at Betfair SP. 

Certainly the results published prior to our trial suggested that was the case, with over 3,000 points profit made to BSP according to the Tipster Street website. 

Sadly though our trial of Racing Exchange ended up dashing those hopes, with a loss of 122 points made over the course of our three month review. 

With a return on investment of -10% and a loss of nearly a quarter of the bank (or half of the original bank advised), it is rather stating the obvious to say this was a very tough trial. 

As you can see below, it went into loss straight away and never recovered, despite a small rally towards the end. 

So there isn’t much to say other than this receives a FAILED rating and our elusive search for a tipster who can consistently generate a profit at Betfair SP continues. 


Service Breakdown

Ease of use:  A high-volume service with around 13 bets per day on average, although the good news is you can place all the bets at Betfair SP which means a lot less time spent than placing the bets at the bookies. Bets are normally sent out in the morning at around 9-10am UK time.  

Availability of prices: No issue on this one as all bets can be placed at Betfair SP.

Strike rate: The strike rate for the trial was 20%, which is a little on the low side and would mean a degree of patience is required for following this service. 

Advised Betting Bank: A 500 point betting bank is now advised for following the service, which has increased from the 250 point bank that was advised when we started our review. Given the results we think that is a sensible move.

Subscription costs: The subscription costs are £9.99 for the first month then £19.95 per month after that.



Unfortunately it was a very tough trial for Racing Exchange with a loss of 122 points made. With results like those it is perhaps no surprise that this receives a FAILED rating from us. 







Racing Exchange – Results Update

17th December 2018

More losses unfortunately for Racing Exchange, although at least they weren’t as severe this time compared to our previous update. 

Since our last update they have lost a further 9 points, putting them 157 points down for our trial overall.

You can view full results here.

It will need something pretty spectacular to turn this around given the losses accrued to date.

It’s another example though of why it’s a good idea to wait and see how something performs under a live trial before risking your own money on it. Certainly it would have been pretty painful if you had risked your own money on this so far. 





Racing Exchange – Results Update

14th November 2018

Oh dear.

Call it what you will – sod’s law, the reviewer’s curse – but unfortunately our trial of Racing Exchange has got off to a disastrous start. 

So far after just under a month, they are 148 points down.

You can view full results here.

One thing we can say is that at least they advise a reasonably-sized bank at 250 points, so the bank has not been wiped out yet. 

Certainly though this is a lot worse than we were expecting, with their previous worst month prior to our trial losing just 12 points. 

We had high hopes for this one with supposed profits of 3,000 points coming into our trial, but sadly so far it is not living up to those expectations.

Many people would have given up by now (and understandably so) but we will continue our trial for the full three months – or until the bank is wiped out if that ends up happening. 





Racing Exchange – New Review

18th October 2018

One of the perks of running a review site like this is that we get contacted about all manner of interesting and innovative new betting systems and strategies. 

A lot of the time these come with lots of hype but turn out to be a load of rubbish, whilst some are so obviously scams they aren’t even worth taking seriously. 

But occasionally something lands in our inbox that looks truly exciting. 

And we have just received one such e-mail this week. 

It concerns a new betting service called Racing Exchange that boasts what are some of the best results we have ever seen. 

Since early last year they have made a phenomenal 3,000 points profit to 1 point level stakes. That would be an amazing £30,000 profit to £10 stakes or £15,000 to just £5 stakes.  

That has been achieved with a solid strike rate of 22% and an almost unheard of ROI of 68%.

On a monthly basis that would work out at an average of over £1,400 per month profit to just £10 stakes, which is an outstanding return. 

Not only that, but the results are all at Betfair SP! Yes that’s right, you don’t even need bookie accounts to follow the service. 

Really the results are quite amazing and they are on the borderline of being too good to be true to be honest. However, the service is run out of the Tipster Street stable of tipsters who say they have proofed the results since early last year. We know the Tipster Street team and have always found them to be honest so we don’t doubt the published results and what they say. 

Of course we don’t just take their word for it though – that is why we are here, to test these systems out and see if they live up to expectations.

So we will run a live trial of Racing Exchange and see if they can replicate the phenomenal results published on the website for the last 20 months or so. 

Looking at the results, it is interesting that they have an incredible record backing horses over 100/1, with over 1500 of their points coming from those, including one at over 800/1!

Those at smaller prices are also profitable though, so it is not just a question of them having picked a few lucky long-shots. 

In any event, this does look very promising so we can’t wait to see how they get on under live conditions. So please check back here for regular results update on how the trial is going if you are also interested in finding out.

In the meantime you can check out Racing Exchange for yourself here. 







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